IP Address | What is the di fference between a private IP address and a unique IP address ?

What is the di fference between a private IP address and a unique IP address ?

                         Private addresses are the addresses people use on private networks, such as many home and office networks. At a protocol level there is no difference between the addresses, but organizationally, private addresses are distinct because they can only be used within a single administration and not on the wider Internet. This is because private addresses are set aside for use by anyone without any global
coordination. You can know an address is from a block of private addresses if it:

■■ Begins with 10. (i.e. through
■■ Begins with 172.16. through 172.31.
■■ Begins with 192.168.

These addresses are the defaults used in a lot of plug’n’play networking equipment, like that sold to residential Internet users. Unique addresses are different only in that their distribution is managed by a set of registries. Because the registries manage the distribution of the other addresses, it is possible to know who an address is assigned to and how to get in contact with them. These types of addresses allow data to be routed across the whole Internet.If your computer is assigned a private address, but you can still access services over the Internet, then your computer is probably behind a Network Address Translator (NAT), which lets lots of computers share a single unique IP address.


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